Gloucestershire Economic Growth Board announces new members

9 August 2024

Following the transfer of roles and responsibilities from GFirst LEP to Gloucestershire County Council on 1 April 2024, a new Economic Growth Board has been created to replace the GFirst LEP Board

Government gidance on the integration of LEPs outlined the need for the county council to ensure the continuation of strong business representation and the embedding of an independent and diverse local business voice by establishing an Economic Growth Board. 

The key role of the Economic Growth Board is to have economic oversight of the Growth Hub network, inward investment, the sector specific business groups and the food and drink initiative, Made in Gloucestershire. 

The new board members are; 

  • Cllr. Mark Hawthorne - Leader of Gloucestershire County Council (Chair) 
  • Cllr. David Gray – Gloucestershire County Council  
  • Clare Marchant Vice Chancellor, University of Gloucestershire  
  • Matthew Burgess Principal and Chief Executive, Gloucestershire College 
  • Sam Holliday Development Manager (Gloucestershire and the West of England) Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)  
  • Nicola Bird – Managing Director of the AccXel Centre  
  • Ian Mean Director of Business West  
  • Lucy Ackland Senior Development Engineer, Renishaw 
  • Ruth Dooley Partner at Hazlewoods  
  • Rob Stemp CEO, Red Maple Technologies  
  • Alex Rose Managing Director, Beards Jewellers/Chair of Cheltenham BID 
  • Cllr. Rowena Hay – Leader of Cheltenham Borough Council 
  • Cllr. Richard Stanley – Leader of Tewkesbury Borough Council 

Cllr. Mark Hawthorne, Leader of Gloucestershire County Council commented, “I am thrilled to welcome our new board members; their experience and strategic oversight will bring a wealth of knowledge to launch this new board. They will ensure that the voice of business is heard and help to drive sustainable economic growth in Gloucestershire.” 

Lucy Ackland, Renishaw said: “I’m very pleased to have been appointed to the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Board. I’m looking forward to representing the engineering industry and working with the rest of the board in helping to shape the future of Gloucestershire and to strengthen collaboration in the region.” 

Rob Stemp, Red Maple Technologies said; “I’m excited to get to work and make Gloucestershire the best place to work, launch new businesses and live. I am passionate about education for the next generation of talent aimed at fostering innovation and growth in the region. I will work hard to drive economic success and create a thriving business environment in Gloucestershire.” 

Nicola Bird, AccXel Centre said; “I’m delighted to have been appointed to the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Board, I’m excited to get to work and make Gloucestershire the best place to do business in the country.” 

Sam Holliday, FSB said; “Gloucestershire is an amazing county for small businesses and the self-employed to start and grow a business, so I am delighted to be part of this important new group which will try to ensure the needs of the SME community are at the heart of our local economic planning. It will be a privilege to be involved.” 

Ian Mean, Business West said; “I am enthusiastic and privileged to be chosen to join the board. Over the last 20 years, I have tried to champion business in my various roles editing newspapers in the region and representing Business West. As a county, Gloucestershire punches above its weight and I am sure that the new board will help achieve the economic growth we need.”  

The board will meet four times a year with the first meeting scheduled for Thursday, 5 September 2024. 

  • general

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